2 is more than 4 – on the state of judging in HEMA competitions
Tl;Dr: Less means more; It’s time to stop using judge hives and replace them with pairs of qualified, competent and professional refs/judges with authority; let’s give them more power, let’s make a few changes which could eventually raise the controversial bar of judging everywhere.
HEMA tournaments have been thriving for the past few years. A natural evolution within our hobby/sport/martial art has put them on a very prominent spot. Many different rulesets are used around the world. Some use the afterblow, some put emphasis on initiative. Some use weighted scoring, some score everything the same. Some use difficult combinatorics, some are rather simplistic.
No matter what ruleset you prefer, no matter how good the original idea behind the rules may have been, every single ruleset usually breaks down on one thing – judging. (viac…)...