Learn Rapier I. – Cutting
Tento článok je v angličtine. Preložte ho kliknutím sem.
Welcome to our new video series! Instructional videos are getting more and more popular and thus we decided it's about time we did some as well. And since longsword is currently the most popular topic, we'll start with another fantastic weapon - the renaissance rapier according to Salvator Fabris. Longsword and other weapons will eventually follow.
This video is intended for everyone - from beginners to more advanced students of the Art. An academic scholar may point out some important information may be missing or argue that stress might be put elsewhere - and that is entirely true; the important thing is I'd like to make this series regular (as far as my normal life and time will allow me; the production takes quite some time) and to provide all the obligatory, interesting and valuable information one after another. And you, dear reader and subscriber, will have a word and influence over how...