Joachim Meyer
::Tento článok je súčasťou zborníka Tyrnhaw 2011::
This short article deals with the biography and works of the famous and influential fencing master of the 16th century – Joachim Meyer. Originally born in Basel, Meyer was a resident of Strasbourg who composed three original manuscripts dealing with various medieval and renaissance weapons. He is best known for his treatise „Grundtliche Beschreibung der freyen Ritterlichen und Adelichen kunst des Fechtens“ (A Thorough Description Of The Free Knightly And Noble Art Of Fencing) which was largely reprinted in the course of the Renaissance. Despite these facts Meyer today is a controversial figure because of some of his unorthodox views and techniques compared to the older treatises of the so-called German line.Vďaka zachovaniu niekoľkých tuctov traktátov, manuskriptov a printov má záujemca o štúdium pôvodných prameňov k dispozícii obrovskú databázu informácii a ukážok rôznych prístupov k šermu. Práce, z ktorých zväčša vychádzajú moderní šermiari boli vytvorené v rozpätí zhruba 200rokov, pričom prvé dielo, HS 3227a...